The Adilgashii: A Deadly Predator’s Rampage #biggamepredator #predator #yautja

The Adilgashii, also known as the Witch in Navajo, was a lone Predator who conducted multiple hunts in New Mexico in the 20th century. This Predator was a highly dangerous and tenacious hunter, but its behavior was questionable, as it showed no qualms about killing defenseless animals and humans who posed little to no threat. It even claimed the head of a man who died in a car crash due to the distraction caused by the Predator. Its focus seemed to be more on the sport of killing rather than the honor of the hunt. The Adilgashii was well-equipped with Predator gear, including a unique bola weapon and a Plasmacaster that it used extensively in its hunts in Cibola County. During one of its hunts, the Adilgashii attacked workers at a Navajo sacred site, leading to a violent confrontation. It was eventually wounded and forced to retreat when the local sheriff and his men arrived. The Adilgashii returned and continued its rampage, eventually leading to a confrontation with Corporal Enoch Nakai, who managed to defeat and kill the Predator. Nakai later severed its head as proof and was approached by various parties interested in hunting more Predators, but he declined their offers. Years later, Nakai joined a covert organization dedicated to hunting Predators, known as the Hunters. #biggamepredator #predator #yautja
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