Cigarette Rolling Machine - Hysteria (Full Album 2022)

Hysteria (2022) -The word hysteria originates from the Greek word for uterus, hystera. For the most part, hysteria does not exist as a medical diagnosis in Western culture and has been replaced by other diagnoses such as conversion or functional term hysterical, applied to an individual, can mean that they are emotional, irrationally upset, or frenzied. ==== ’’hysteria’’ is an experimental psychedelic rock album, trying to have a psychiatrist structure. Featuring visualizer, bonus tracks and a small pdf book, please support the band’s bandcamp and subscribe to the youtube channel to watch the video Cigarette Rolling Machine Brazil ==== 1. Distrust - 00:00 2. The Shame of Dubious - 1:00 3. Guilt Pression - 6:00 4. Mr. Budpoty - 11:40 5.
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