Dan Flynn Plays “Home Run“ Live at Indidjinus 2013

At the In-Didj-In-Us gathering of 2013, Dan Flynn performs what sounds like cello, brass and percussion all on his “Slugger“ didgeridoo, named after the Louisville Slugger baseball bat for obvious reasons. The didge was designed by Frank Geipel, creator of Computer Aided Didgeridoo Sound Design (CADSD), to have certain pronounced “false tones“ below the drone and in between the first two intervals. Drone and overblows are D,D,A,D#,F#,A,C#. Including the designed-for false tones (designated by parentheses), the notes are (D),D,(A),D,(F#),A,D#,F#,A,C#. But many more in-between notes are possible with lip control. The Slugger, made from Ash, is the first of the CADSD instruments to have been machine-carved using CNC technology. Dan Flynn’s CD, DIDGE & BASS can be purchased via his website More information on CADSD (Computer Aided Didgeridoo Sound Design) information about the InDidjInUs gathering More information on Multidrone
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