Germany Votes (1936)

Full title reads: “Germany votes - overwhelming majority for Hitler“. Berlin, Germany. Election in Germany - Hitler goes to the poling station. Various shots of president and chancellor, Adolf Hitler, being driven through streets in open topped cars. Massive crowds give fascist / Nazi salutes to dictator as he drives passed. Swastika flags are everywhere; waved by crowd, hanging from buildings. Hitler waves to the crowds and accepts a bunch of flowers from a child. M/S of Hitler getting out of car. Various C/Us of sections of crowd saluting or waving flags. C/U of Rudolf Hess having a badge pinned to his lapel. C/U of badge - inscribed with words ’freedom and bread’. A badge is given to every voter. Various shots of people queuing outside polling station. Various shots of people voting in booths and placing papers in ballot boxes. Various shots of ballot boxes being emptied and papers being counted. Great C/U of stacks of ballot papers with Adolf Hitler
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