Zeus presents Renegade 128k (un-emulated) for the zx spectrum, a true classic from the golden era of spectrum gaming which must not be forgotten alongside the software house and all programmers that were involved in making this game.
Year of release: 1987
What a game! Another one of those rare cases where the converted version is better than the arcade original.
I found this version easier than it’s 48k version as in this one you can grab the first two bosses and throw them over the edge resulting in a quick death.
After all these years not playing the game i am still pretty good at it and still find it very enjoyable.
Hope all you Spectrum fans enjoy this upload.
Please note that NONE of my game uploads are pc emulators or emulated in any way whatsoever. I am actually playing this on my dedicated Sinclair Spectrum 128k, that way you know you are watching the real thing.
Emulators and longplays cannot be taken too seriously as most of them are not 100% faithfull to the original game and they are usually tooled up (inluding using other trick devices such as savestates) meaning a game is made to look alot easier and gives a false impression of how difficult the game really is and also most of them don’t include the loading screens or much of the game title music.
Don’t accept fakes!
My uploads are 100% original and un-emulated!
Switch to 480p for best video quality and feel free to leave comments on my channel and vid’s.
Keeping the memory of the Spectrum and it’s cool games alive!!!