Newsbriefs From North Africa (1942)

Titles read: “NEWSBRIEFS FROM NORTH AFRICA“. Various locations in North Africa. In Mers-el-Kebir, a Mediterranean port near Oran, we see various shots of American soldiers marching along the streets. They are to supplement the strong US force already in Algeria. British troops march through Algiers. M/S at the seaplane base of the Gulf of Arzeu that was captured so quickly by the Americans that enemy torpedoes and aircraft were left behind. Several quick shots of American soldiers and sailors posing with local civilians. We then see a group of US nurses relaxing after coming ashore with the troops. They wear tin helmets and give the thumbs up. One girl in a tin hat puts on her lipstick. M/S of the ruin of Fort Lyautey, a 300-year-old Fortress North of Rabat, which now has the American Stars and Stripes flag flying above it. American soldiers are seen walking about, eating from mess tins. Sign reads “New York City - Mayor Molotov“. M/S of General James Doolittle, leader of the Tokyo
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