#immaBEAST Final Number at BUILDABEAST 2015 | @willdabeast__ @ginestrajanelle @brazilinspires
Here it is!!!!! Such a proud moment in my life. Thank you to all the dancers and choreographers who helped put this together! The last performance of #immaBEAST year 2 !
At the First annual #BuildaBeastExpericence2015
Creative Directed /Choreographed by WilldaBeast & Janelle Ginestra
Assistant Choreographers: David Cottle, Lyle Beniga, and Bobby Dacones
Video by Brazil (@brazilinspires)
2 years ago 00:05:10 3
Michael Jackson - Heartbreaker popping dance freestyle
10 years ago 00:06:37 3
WilldaBeast Adams presents #immaBEAST Anniversary Carnival LA 2015