Baling Hay With Horses and Kuhns Mfg 1534 Hay Accumulator

Baling hay with a team of four horses, an inline baler and a 1534 Kuhns Mfg Hay Accumulator. This equipment is owned by an Amish farmer in central Illinois. He uses a Kuhns Mfg 615 Grabber on a skid steer to pick the grabs of hay up and stack them on trailers and wagons. We were driving down the road and spotted an Amish lady out baling with this rig. The Amish are opposed to having their picture taken, much less video, so we hopped on and drove the hitch and let the lady rest under the shade tree while we shot this video. You can catch a glimpse of her in the background, to the right, at the very beginning. Phone: E-mail: sales@
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