Most Popular Operating Systems (Desktop & Laptops) 1978 - 2023

🚀 Embark on a Fascinating Journey: The Evolution of Operating Systems (1978 - 2023) 🖥️ Prepare to be captivated by a remarkable voyage through the annals of computer history – the evolution of operating systems for desktop and laptop platforms! Join us as we traverse the decades, delving into the rise and fall of iconic systems that have profoundly shaped the world of computing. Our expedition begins with a tribute to the trailblazers. Explore the origins of CP/M, the pioneering “Control Program for Microcomputers,“ conceived by Gary Kildall in the mid-1970s. Witness how this early operating system laid the groundwork for the dawn of personal computing. Journey further back in time to the late 1970s and early 1980s, where the stage was set for TRSDOS to shine. Discover how this operating system orchestrated the symphony of Tandy/RadioShack TRS-80 microcomputers. Marvel at the impact of Commodore BASIC, a foundational programming language interpreter th
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