Artists Talk: Edivaldo Ernesto

Edivaldo Ernesto (Mozambique/DE), Dancer, Teacher, Choreographer, improvisation expert. Mozambican background and western Africa traditional dance influence. Performances, improvisations, assistant teacher for Flying Low and Passing Through technique with David Zambrano, and collaboration with Linda Kapetanea and Rootlessroot on the duet “HTT”. Creator and developer of his: “Depth Movement” Workshop and “Next Level”, teaching and performances across Europe, North America, South America, Asia. The former member of Sasha Waltz and Guests company. ❗ SUPPORT THE PERFORMING ARTISTS/ ARTS: How can you help us? By contributing what you can, you will help performers and choreographers create a dance piece and more importantly earn their daily bread and butter in these challenging times. They can continue giving back to society through their art. We need each one of you to help us in nurturing performing arts and artists. Art and artists have kep
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