Aberfan - Valley Of Sorrow (1966)

Aberfan, Wales. LV. Aberfan disaster site, slow zoom back to general view of village of Aberfan with tips in background. GV. Deserted street in Aberfan. SV. Pan along deserted street. CU. Curtains drawn at window, & LV. CU. Curtain drawn. General view of the cemetery and grave. LV. Coffins being carried to the grave. SV. Placing coffin down. GV. Mourners making their way from houses in background LV. Mourners walking across very muddy road. GV. Pan down the Aberfan tip, pan across to the cemetery showing a giant cross in the form of flowers on the hillside. SV. Pan, masses of wreaths and flowers in the form of a cross, & SV. General view of the cemetery and the huge cross in flowers. SV. Mourners coming up road carrying wreaths making their way to the cemetery, & closer shot. SV. Mourners coming up road, & closer shot. LV. More mourners coming up road carrying wreaths SV. The Bishop of Llandaff, William Simon. SV. Three clergy walking up road. SV. The Mayor and party walking up road. General view of mourne
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