MTG Arena GRN | Orzhov Knights DeckTech & Gameplay [Cursed]
2 Vona, Butcher of Magan (XLN) 231
2 Vanquisher’s Banner (XLN) 251
2 Unclaimed Territory (XLN) 258
3 Radiant Destiny (RIX) 18
2 Moment of Craving (RIX) 79
10 Plains (XLN) 263
4 Isolated Chapel (DAR) 241
2 Aryel, Knight of Windgrace (DAR) 192
2 Cast Down (DAR) 81
4 History of Benalia (DAR) 21
4 Knight of Grace (DAR) 23
4 Knight of Malice (DAR) 97
2 Valiant Knight (M19) 42
4 Forsaken Sanctuary (RIX) 187
3 Midnight Reaper (GRN) 77
4 Benalish Marshal (DAR) 6
2 Ixalan’s Binding (XLN) 17
4 Swamp (XLN) 271
2 Settle the Wreckage (XLN) 34
3 Tocatli Honor Guard (XLN) 42
2 Baffling End (RIX) 1
2 Shalai, Voice of Plenty (DAR) 35
1 Lyra Dawnbringer (DAR) 26
3 Duress (M19) 94
1 Josu Vess, Lich Knight (DAR) 95
1 Profane Procession (RIX) 166