Medals for Ethiopian veterans/Survivors of Italy’s defeat in 1896 honoured after fall of A...(1935)

BRITISH PARAMOUNT NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Abyssinia: Medals for Ethiopian veterans. Survivors of Italy’s defeat in 1896 honoured after fall of? Full Description: EXT ABYSSINIA: Adigrat Gen. view of Adigrat. Long view between rocks of Italian flag being hoisted. Top view Veterans at Asmara, semi top view of Veterans, Cu. of officer speaking. Long view of Italian officer walking down steps to Veterans. Semi view and cu. of officer presenting Abyssinia warrior veterans with Medals. CU. of Medals and cu. and semi view of veterans saluting. Gen. view of Palace at Adigrat. Top view pan. of RAs Gugsa’s warrior. Semi view and cu. of Ras Gugsa in European uniform. Long view of Gugsa’s natives parading past. Gen. view Italian troops hoist banner with Mussolini pictures on it. Semi view Italian troops present arms. Long view of Italian soldiers & Banner fluttering in wind Background: Abyssinia: Medals for Ethiopian veteran
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