Recipe For Disaster | New Gameplay Today

Join us on New Gameplay Today as we show you how not to run a restaurant in Recipe for Disaster, a new management sim that takes players through the fast-paced, stress-inducing environment that is a kitchen and dining room. Your host Wesley LeBlanc chats with Brian Shea, whose review of Recipe for Disaster you can read right now on Game Informer, about why he liked this game so much. // S U B S C R I B E Don’t miss any of our video features or exclusive coverage! Subscribe to the channel: // FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | // READ GAME INFORMER MAGAZINE 1 Year Digital Subscription for $: 1 Year Physical Subscription for $: // M E R C H Show off your love for Game Informer – Stickers, phone cases, mugs, and t-shirts: #recipefordisaster #PC #gameplay
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