Attack units from the West group of troops are improving their combat skills at a training ground

Attack units from the West group of troops are improving their combat skills at a training ground At a training ground in the zone of a special military operation, military personnel of the assault units of the motorized rifle division of the West group of forces completed combat coordination training before performing combat missions in forward positions. The soldiers completed combat training missions as part of assault groups, covering each other when capturing enemy strongholds, in flat and wooded areas. Stormtroopers also improved their skills in using small arms. Experienced instructors train military personnel to work in tactical groups - twos, threes - to storm a trench, trench, fortified area, strong point. Significant attention was paid to tactical, field medicine. Each serviceman must be able to promptly provide himself and a comrade with first aid in case of injury - stop the bleeding, apply a tourniquet. The coordinated work of assault groups makes it possible to carry ... Source: Military Wave
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