HOW TO LOWER CREATININE NATURALLY? - Chronic Kidney Disease Treatment

In two ways you can lower your creatinine first is medicine and second is diet .But do you know what is main reason of chronic kidney disease, why our creatinine level increases andand what is best medicine for kidney treatment. What is creatinine level ? creatinine is waste product of our body and this waste product comes out through urine with the help of kidney .When the kidney unable to filter this waste product then creatinine increases in our body and it leads to kidney failure. For the kidney treatment there are many options is available in the market but best one is ayurveda because ayurveda removes the disease from root and stop kidney dialysis permanently. Why ayurveda is best option for kidney failure In this video you know Why ayurveda is best option for chronic kidney disease treatment? This is story of kidney patients who is taking allopathic medicine for kidney treatment but her creatinine increases rapidly and reaches above 7mg/dl and lastly came to Bk arogyam for
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