China’s BRI: The REAL Story! Symbol of its Inevitable Rise? With Hussein Askary!

We have a brand-new Membership you can join! It will give you a chance to go even deeper into the most pressing global topics. You’ll get more information and a much deeper dive with bi-weekly live calls and Q&A with Dr. David Oualaalou PhD & Dr. Ross Stewart PhD, as well as a community to ask questions and have discussions with others who are interested in deeper information and knowledge as well. China’s Belt & Road Initiative (BRI) is described as a 21st century silk road, made up of a “belt” of over land corridors and a maritime “road” of shipping lanes. In this video we answer the following: 1) What is the importance of BRI to the global economy? 2) Is the West undermining BRI? 3) Could BRI trigger geopolitical tensions between the West and China?
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