Intuitive simultaneous and proportional control of a bionic hand

Person with an above-elbow amputation using the self-contained neuromusculoskeletal arm prosthesis with 4.5 Degrees of Freedom (thumb, index finger, middle/ring/little fingers, wrist rotation, and elbow lock/unlock) to perform tasks representative of daily life. The simultaneous and proportional control scheme utilized to decode the patients motor intent is based on a neural network capable of multi-label classification and was used without prior patient training. Neural motor commands are amplified by surgically created electro-neuromuscular constructs. Article: Zbinden J., Sassu P., Mastinu E., Earley E., Munoz-Novoa M., Brånemark R., and Ortiz-Catalan M., Improved control of a prosthetic limb by surgically creating electro-neuromuscular constructs with implanted electrodes, Science Translational Medicine, 2023
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