Lava Tornado (Whirl-Lava) Spatters Fire In Iceland Litli-Hrútur Fagradalsfjall Volcano Eruption
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Some of the images are produced by recent advances in Artificial Intelligence. They are just pretty pictures that AI is producing when a text describes a volcanic event or geological phenomenon for them. They are by no means represent the reality and are used here only for their graphical merits.
A great source for live views of the volcano in Reykjanes Peninsula is the amazing YouTube channel. Please SUBSCRIBE and like and share their live YouTube camera views here to help their work be known. Iceland depends on tourism and beyond the Reykjanes Peninsula there are plenty of sites with world class tourist attractions. If you want to help Iceland, plan a holiday to this amazing country. Icelandic people are kind and welcoming people and their food and cousin is second to none. The clip of starting moments of the eruption is courtesy of mbl Iceland.
The team that designed the dikes at Grindavík and Svartsengi gained a lot of experience in designing and making them when experiments were carried out with dikes during the eruption at Fagradalsfjall in 2021. It was not surprising to the team when the dikes passed the test in the eruption on January 14.
Hörn Hrafnsdóttir, water resources engineer at Verkís and assistant professor at the Department of Environmental and Civil Engineering at the University of Helsinki, and Sólveig Kristín Sigurðardóttir, geotechnical engineer at Verkís, are on the dam team.
3 D Model of eruption here :
The thumbnail for this video is produced by an AI machine based on a text description. It does not represent, implied or inferred, the real ground facts. It is just a pretty picture chosen based on general advise by YouTube on choosing effective eye catching thumbnails.
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