Notes from the Ether – Artist Talk by Memo Akten

16 September 2023 (Saturday) | 2 - 3pm Visionary artist, creative technologist and philomath, Memo Akten, discusses the interconnectedness of humans and machines and what AI means for the human experience. Akten works with emerging technologies and computation as a medium to create images, sounds, films, large-scale responsive installations and performances. In trying to understand the nature of the world around us and the human condition, he draws inspiration from fields such as physics, molecular and evolutionary biology, ecology, abiogenesis, neuroscience, anthropology, sociology and philosophy. In this artist talk organised as a highlight event of Notes From The Ether: From NFTs To AI exhibition at ArtScience Museum, Akten will talk about his creative practice and unravel the themes, process and motivations behind his artworks Deep Meditations: A brief history of almost everything in 60 minutes (2018) and All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace (2021). Deep Meditations celebra
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