Ranmasu Uyana - Stargate of Gods Found? Ancient Aliens in Sri Lanka
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0:00 - Strange Stone Artifact
0:45 - Oldest Carving in the World
1:10 - Wheel of the Universe
1:41 - Releases Strange Energy
3:23 - Indian Stargate
3:37 - Peoples’ Beliefs
6:39 - Archeologists’ Claims
7:22 - A Very Technical Carving
8:36 - Aquatic Animals
9:29 - Cryptic Words
10:05 - Conclusion
Hey guys, I am in Sri Lanka and there is a very strange stone artifact in a place called Ranmasu Uyana. Here, in an isolated place, you can find this weird circular carving which has baffled both archeologists and visitors. It has a very complex design, which looks similar to an electric circuit diagram or a technical drawing and people o