Wild Man! ... Filmed For The First Time (1932)

The following material includes culturally restricted Aboriginal ceremonial material and should not be viewed within Aboriginl and Torres Strait Islander communities without the permission of the senior members of those communities. Full title reads: “Australia. Wild Man! ... filmed for the first time. Pathe Gazette - with these exclusive & sensational pictures - takes you to heart of the Central Australian Desert, to see & hear aboriginal man in his native state.“ Central Australian Desert, Australia. Australian aboriginal men in Western dress mount their camels in the desert landscape. The voiceover describes the aboriginals as prehistoric beings who have not progressed one degree since the dawn of creation. C/U of aboriginal man seated on the ground. Men on camels approaching through the scrub. Back view of naked aboriginal standing with stick and with boomerang. Group of aborigines walk through the scrub. Two groups of aboriginal men come together in the bush. The move around each other
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