FRANCE: Sultan of Morocco visits Paris (1950)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Vincent Auriol (President of France) welcomes Mohammed V (Sultan of Morocco) on his visit to France to discuss Moroccan independence Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION: Our Roving Camera Reports FRANCE: Paris: EXT AURIOL VINCENT PRESIDENT State visit of Sultan of Morocco.. welcomed by Pres.. Guard of Honour.. Drive down Champ Elysee thro’ Arc de Triomphe to Palace de into Palace MOROCCO. State visit of Sultan of by Pres Auriol Inspects guard of thro’ Arc de Triomphe down Champs Elysee to Palace Elysee. France; Muhamm...ed V; Royalty French capital, government, independence, President of the French Republic, King Mohammed V Background: Vincent Auriol (President of France) welcomes Mohammed V (Sultan of Morocco) on his visit to France to discuss Moroccan independence FILM ID: VLVA
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