Computation and Representation

Mental representations form the basis of all mental computation - in fact, these mind-internal representations are the only thing we actually directly experience at all! In this video, we’ll talk about the basics of computation in the mind. 0:00 - How do we experience the world? 3:16 - Mental representations 7:30 - Imagistic representation 14:50 - Propositional representation 20:42 - Symbolic representation 21:54 - Digital vs analog 24:17 - Weber’s Law 30:39 - Wrapping up 32:50 - Key concepts Sources: Friedenberg & Silverman (2021). Cognitive Science: An introduction to the study of the mind. Chapter 1. University of Exeter. Aphantasia: A life without mental images. And check out this great Numberphile video on Weber’s Law!
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