Radosław Sikorski: The Munk Debate - The Russia Ukraine War, Toronto,

The Munk Debate - The Russia Ukraine War, Toronto, Stephen Walt, John Mearsheimer v Michael McFaul, Radosław Sikorski By any measure, the Russian invasion of Ukraine represents a profound security risk for the world. It raises fundamental issues about the basic principles that underwrite the current international order and it threatens the specter of an entrenched, high-risk Great Power conflict. How is this fast-evolving crisis best addressed? Does it demand a resolute and relentless push by the West to punish, isolate and degrade Putin’s Russia economically, politically and militarily? Or is a solution to be found in acknowledging Russia’s security needs and finding ways to mutually de-escalate the war, sooner not later? Which of these different strategies stand the best chance of success? And how ultimately is this conflict best resolved? _____________________ Komentarze europosła Radosława Sikorskiego oraz audycje Wolnego Radia Europa do obejrzenia na Facebooku, Twit
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