Пятна век... Стихи читает автор Демирина. Eyelid stains... Poems are read by the author Demirina.
poems are read by the author Demirina.
Eyelid stains on a crumpled bed
From under them, a dark look into nowhere.
Is this what we wanted?
When you answered me “yes“
To the stupid question: what’s next?
Not ready to let me go
Resorting to outright falsehood,
First, I decided to forgive!
My pride screamed in my ears:
Remember your mother and the abandoned house,
Do not rush to listen to nonsense,
Get around her slippery kink!
Yes, I have never seen such
To break down on a call into the night
To those who previously offended like a beast
And on occasion he mumbled to help ...
Eyelid stains on a crumpled bed
And it seems that you are not yesterday
Waxwings took revenge in the night
For the frail darkness of the evening!
Out of place your “yes“! But I, too,
A child not warmed by the sun,
What capricious pride burr
There will be letters, leaving for th
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