Italian witnesses NATO Humanitarian Bombings on Libya, NATO Crimes In

Reports that NATO has used Mustard Gas in Bani Walid have been coming from eye witnesses from within the beseiged town. For the first time a gruesome image of a victim of the terrorism has come out in social networks. Most argue that this terrorism is implemented to force Libyans in to submissions, they have refused to surrender and give the country to NATO, so NATO has resorted to terrorism, and a slow genocide. The media has been banned in Bani Walid to hide such atrocities, and the Main Stream Media continues towing the line with NATO. BREAKING NEWS Directly from Libya by witnesses facebook.c o m/pages/Libya-Liberal-Youth-to-publish-the-facts-for-Libya-tomorrow/135809009826­863 U.S. Congressman Witnessed European Special Forces Beheading Libyans Attention! RATS WILL TRY TO PLAY THE SAME DIRTY GAME! Today, the rats of the media will be lying about the taking of the city Bani-Walid, and about deaths of Muammar Ga
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