1111 - 9 Most Popular Shiva Bhajans | Must Listen | Mahashivaratri Festival Special #shivratri
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‘Bhavani Shankara’ stands for the embodiment of Shiva and Shakti. ‘Bhavani’ symbolises Sraddha (sincerity of purpose) and ‘Shankara’ symbolises Viswasa (faith). When Goddess Bhavani symbolising Sraddha is present, there dances Shiva who stands for faith. Life becomes useless without sincerity of purpose and faith. But today man lacks faith though both ‘Bhavani’ and ‘Shankara’ reside in him.
- 23 Nov 2001
Start your Monday listening to an exclusive set of Popular Shiva Bhajans.
00:00 - Arunachala Shiva Arunachala Shiva
04:59 - Nandi Vahana Nataraja Hare
09:12 - Tum Ho Data Sai Shankara
13:01 - Pahi Mahesha Hey Jagadeesha
16:12 - Tripurari Shiva Shankara
19:12 - Shirdi Nivasa Sai Shankara
22:16 - Om Namah Shivaya Shivaya Namah Om
27:36 - Shiva Maheshwara Shiva Maheshwara Shiva Maheshwara Sairam
30:56 - Mrityunjayaya Namah Om