Pink Panthers Cleans Up a Town | 35-Minute Compilation | Pink Panther Show

1. “Pink of The Litter“ - The Pink Panther is arrested for littering in Litterburg, the dirtiest town in the USA, and he is sentenced to clean up the entire town. 2. “Psychedelic Pink“ - Casually strolling downtown, The Pink Panther decides to window shop along the avenue. Unfortunately, it is not one of the Panther’s better days, and our hero walks inside a strange “psychedelic“ shop. 3. “Sherlock Pink“ - The Pink Panther’s cake disappears, and he decides to investigate the disappearance and finds tire tracks which lead to a strange old house. 4. “Pink Quackers“ - The Pink Panther walks down the street and passes a man selling toy ducks and one decides to follow the Panther home. 5. “In The Pink Of The Night“ - Our poor friend, the Pink Panther, has a hard time waking up for work in the morning. Alarm clocks don’t work, he just smashes them to pieces, and ringing telephones don’t work, he just throws them away. 6. &
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