How can we trust the wisdom of Kabbalah in a chaotic and crisis-ridden world? Can Kabbalah offer a remedy to our problems? What is the wisdom of Kabbalah about? What does it mean that nature’s system is integral? Is natural integrality working at the human level, too? How can we also see natural integrality working on the human level? Why are the right and authentic kabbalah sources so important? Why are human interconnections and relationships so important? How can we gain control over the problems in our lives? How can we learn to be good? What does it mean that we exist according to the laws of nature?
The world is in a bad state. But it does not mean we cannot trust the wisdom of Kabbalah.
Just because there are wars or other problems in the world, we still trust our parents.
But beyond trust, the deeper question is if in the midst of all these problems, there is something we can accept and follow as a help or remedy.
This is something we have to check and taste for ourselves.
The wisdom of Kabbalah is not about knowledge. It is about the opening of the heart. It is about “coming home” and finding ourselves at home in a true reality.
We have to feel ourselves in a reality that is held together by threads of love, care, and concern.
Everything in nature is held together by these qualities. We exist in a system we call an “integral system,” where all elements are dependent on and aware of everything else and where everything is developing together through mutual support.
We see and accept this easily in nature. We see roots and branches, seasons, and all the forces that can’t be seen but connect everything together through seemingly mysterious laws of physics.
We accept this integrality for the big picture of reality. However, we do not consider the same reality for humanity.
In truth, the same integrality applies on the human level as well, but we need to tap into it and we need to observe it. We need to be looking in the right place; we need to look into things with the “right part of ourselves” to be able to see this integral nature that is creating things and evolving them towards fulfillment. This is how we can see that this integrality in us indeed exists, and the world is a byproduct of our development or lack of development - or lack of willingness.
We need to learn what we need to be willing for. The real nature of life and its purpose and how it works on the human level is something that the revealed aspects of Kabbalah are about.
This is why books and authentic sources that are in the right lineage are extremely important because they provide the sort of undue way of thinking and open and lift the veil on a clear and simple way of perceiving the real forces driving life, and where the controls are for those things.
They are in the heart.
These things are accessible to us only in relation to others, and this method is about how to live with and for other people. This method is putting humanity’s hands on the levers of nature, allowing us to act like the Upper Force, making our actions good.
Only then we will see things not getting out of control. We will see things developing, and we can respond and become caring.
This is what we need to learn.
If we try to learn how to be good only on the outside, that does not achieve anything.
If we want to be “good” coerced by laws, that will not change anything.
Even if the force of society says that we have to believe these things or you are not a good person, that would not do anything either.
Changing the heart involves specific work that aligns with the law of nature itself.
So, can we trust nature?
Well, we are in its control, so what else can we trust?!
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