FUN Full Body Strength & Cardio Circuits Workout | EPIC II - Day 15

1 hour circuit fun coming your way! 3 circuits combining dumbbells, bodyweight, isometric hold, core, ab specific and raising the heart rate all combined to create a solid 1 hour session to work through! All you will need for this workout is a pair of dumbbells and your mat. The dumbbells I am using for your reference are each. The timer will be on for 45 seconds with 15 seconds rest between each exercise. Each circuit is performed for 3 rounds in total! The last 6 minutes is an exercise selected from each of the circuits so there is one dumbbell strength exercise, bodyweight, isometric, core, ab and heart raising movement! ***********PLEASE NOTE: the preview within the video for the plank alternating leg displays a reverse crab hold. I apologise for this error. I am sure you will know the order nevertheless! Thank you. RENEGADE ROWS PUSH UPS SUPERMAN HOLD PLANK UP & DOWN HOLLOW ALT HAND TO FOOT WALKING SWING SQUAT TO PRESS
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