A Skinny Starving Dog Lies Motionless by The Roadside But Has Bright Eyes, Wants to Ask for Help

A Skinny Starving Dog Lies Motionless by The Roadside But Has Bright Eyes, Wants to Ask for Help This photograph made me cry. That day, a friend texted me and asked me to help this princess. When I arrived, she was exhausted and boneless, lying in the blazing sun. I had to pay some money to take Eva with me. She started crying as soon as we left. Despite the fact that she was clearly being treated like dirt, she remained loyal. She was paralyzed and could not move her hind legs. The physical examination revealed that she was severely malnourished. Next time, she would take her time with the treatment and recovery. Eva had a lot of difficulty moving. She walked with her tail curled up like a peacock. To be honest, it took a lot of strength for her to move a long distance. But luckily this poor dog could eat very well. She rarely ate when she was with the previous owner. Her eyes seemed to thank me for feeding her the best food she’d ever had. day 5 This princess was a true warrior. She was difficult to
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