First Pictures From Taejon (1950)

Full title reads: “First Pictures From Taejon“. Korea. SV American soldiers fixing up 75mm. recoil-less rifle pan to GV battlefront. SV Soldier sighting 75mm gun pan to men with ammunition. MV Soldier sighting 75mm. gun pan to rest of crew sitting down. SV Big gun 155mm. firing. SV Two GIs lifting up shell for reloading. SV Big gun 155mm firing. MV Man sitting on top of truck scouting with binoculars pan across mountains. MV Big gun firing. SV Private Wilkins eating. CU Side view Wilkins eating. SV Soldier firing bazooka. MV Soldier running to take up position. CU Towards GI runs and throws himself on ground. SV GIs behind bushes. SV GIs running behind hillock. SV GIs in slit trenches. MV Back view GIs running up road. LV GIs waiting on side of road. SV Soldiers behind bushes pan to column of GIs walking towards. GV Street of Taejon. MS Refugees congregating in street. SV Towards aged woman being helped through crowd. SV Two refugee children. SV Communist spy with hands up. (2 shots). VS T
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