Welcome to a little tour of the “Rave the Planet“ parade in Berlin! In bright sunshine and the best summer weather, 300,000 people have gathered here to dance exuberantly across the Straße des 17 Juni. This spectacular event is not just a parade, but a true explosion of energy and electronic music. The atmosphere is electrifying as the beats of the world’s best DJs echo through the streets.
In the adjacent Tiergarten you can also celebrate or relax. Under the shady trees you can lean back, let your soul dangle and listen to the sounds of the music. Here you will find small chill-out areas whe
...re you can meet friends and make new acquaintances.
So grab your friends and dive into the world of electronic music. The “Rave the Planet“ parade in Berlin will enchant you with its energy and spirit. Be part of this unforgettable experience and let’s celebrate the love for music together!
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