Selected Originals The Master Drink (1956)

Selected originals (offcuts, selected scenes, out-takes, rushes) for story “The Master Drink“ 56/43 Identical to the original story without voice over or music. There is a title scene but no titles. Rothenburg, Germany. GV. Soldiers in period costume file past the camera (title super over) SV. Man in Costume riding through town on a white horse with soldiers in period uniform alongside. SCU. Towards and past men in period costume on horse drawn cart with young boys sitting in the back. SCU. Men walking through crowd dressed in period costume. SCU. Soldiers parading through streets on horseback. AS. of older type building. CU. Man playing period trumpet (Nat Sound). GV. Square surrounded by people looking on and dancers in the middle. CU. Tilt up soldier in period costume with a flower from the nozzle of his gun. CU. Men playing clarinets. SCU. Goose being held by peasant looking on. LV. Dancers in a cross formation. SCU. Tilt up from feet to dancing. SCU. Man directing dancers steps by whistling wi
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