Видео от Юлии Кудряшовой

Enjoy the epic book: The Golden Number Ratio Principle: =sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1477975629&sr=8-1&keywords=GOLDEN NUMBER RATIO PRINCIPLE Mona Lisa Fibonacci Numbers! Golden Ratio, Rectangle & Phi Spiral in Leonardo da Vinci’s Art Learn how to exalt your art, photography, and composition with the golden ratio Phi! Witness The Golden Ratio and Golden Number (Phi=) in Leonardo da Vinci’s master composition in his Mona Lisa masterpiece ! Master the art of golden compositions in fine art, painting, and photography! Watch my other videos to witness how the great master photographer Ansel Adams used the Golden Mean, Ratio, and Rectangle in his and epic photographs photographic compositions! Leonardo da Vinci and all the masters and great painters of the renaissance and antiquity all used sacred geometry and the golden rectangle, section, and spiral to exalt their classical art! You can learn to how to employ the magic of golden mean to exalt your art and photography too! But first you must learn to perceive the golden geometry! See if you can envision the golden rectangles, triangles, pentagons, and pentagrams before their outliunes appear in all my “golden ratio in art“ videos! Master the art of composition in painting and photography by leveraging the golden mean, ratio, rectangle, and triangle alongside the divine section and golden cut found in the pentagon and pentagram! I’m working on a couple of books on all this--more soon! All the best on your epic Golden Hero’s Odyssey! Dr. Elliot McGucken :) I think I found some original golden elements used in Leonardo’s composition of the Mona Lisa, including a golden rectangle inscribed in a centered pentagram intersecting the golden spiral encompassing the entire work. Please watch the video and let me know if you have seen anything like this elsewhere! Also, what is the best breakdown for Leonardo da Vinci’s use of the golden ratio, spiral, and rectangles in his artistic compositions and drawings Thanks! Mona Lisa Golden Ratio! Fibonacci Numbers, Golden Rectangle & Phi Spiral in Leonardo da Vinci’s Art
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