Play hero card without Hero Power? | Hearth Tech#234
00:00 Intro
Play hero card without Hero Power?
00:13 Test1
Colossal minions trigger Sacred Trial though its condition isn’t met before playing the Colossal
00:45 Test2
How does Gigafin interact with its copies?
01:27 Test3
Swiftscale Trickster cannot cover Frostbite
02:05 Test4
Behemoth’s Lure cannot make Ancient Watcher attack
02:48 Test5
Nagaling can’t cast Potion of Madness or Shadow Madness correctly
03:33 Test6
Warsong Wrangler cannot buff Piranha Swarmers with different colors
04:08 Test7
When your Murozond plays a hero card on opponent’s side, you get the hero but opponent gets the Hero Power
05:19 Outro
2 weeks ago 00:01:30 13
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