“I can’t support it“ Roger Federer on Two-year Ranking System

“I can’t support it as President of the Player Council“ This is why Roger is the President and why fellow player have voted him for the Stefan Edberg Sportmanship Award again and again - being fair to all players and having all players’ interest at heart. Q. Do you have any thoughts at all on the suggestion made by some people we should go to a two‑year ranking in tennis, like they do in golf, rather than a one‑year period? ROGER FEDERER: My opinion on the two‑year ranking? Q. Yes. ROGER FEDERER: I’m not a big fan of it just because I think it would make things rather boring. But that’s my personal opinion. Other than that, as the president of the Player Council, I think it’s not a good thing for the lower‑ranked players, to be quite honest. I think it’s going to be a struggle for them to make a big breakthrough. It’s going to take them multiple breakthroughs. So the dream of having one great to
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