Learn How To Make Folding Cake

Get ready for a treat like no other! In this video, learn how to make a delicious folding cake that is sure to become a new favorite. Soft sponge cake and creamy filling, and fruit, every bite will be a delightful surprise. Official Belmerlion Website ➤ Facebook Page ➤ Instagram ➤ Youtube channel ➤ @michaellim Ingredients: 5 Eggs 80g Sugar 1/4 tsp. Salt 100g All Purpose Flour 15g Cornstarch 1 tsp. SP or Ovalett (emulsifier) 80 Unsalted Butter Flavouring of your choice (vanilla, pandan, etc.) 300g Whipping Cream 50g Sugar 100g Mascarpone Baking Lessons Understanding Different Types Of Flour Beginner’s Guide Guide To Baking With Yeast
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