The Real Billy the Kid AKA Brushy Bill Roberts In His Own Words: The Shooting At Ft. Sumner

In this episode, I will examine William Henry Roberts’ account of July 14, 1881, the shooting at Ft. Sumner. I will also compare Roberts’ statements with those made by Pat Garrett and John Poe. Additionally, I will do a detailed analysis of all the events relevant to what purportedly occurred that night at the home of Pete Maxwell. Previous Episodes In This Series: Brushy Bill Roberts AKA Billy the Kid: Was He Illiterate? Brushy Bill Roberts AKA Billy The Kid: Could He Speak Spanish? Brushy Bill Roberts AKA Billy The Kid: Did He Really Claim To Be A Member Of The James Gang? Brushy Bill Roberts AKA Billy The Kid: Was He Really Oliver P. Roberts, Born In 1879? Brushy Bill Roberts AKA Billy The Kid: Physical Similarities & Facial Recognition Study https:
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