INSTANT DELETES they never saw coming

Instant Oneshots, Perfect Deletes, Satisfying 5 Man Ults and Best One Shot Moments in a League of Legends / LoL Delete Montage 🔶To submit your LOL Play, please visit our website: 🔶We make videos for other games, check them out: WILD RIFT Channel: VALORANT Channel: #LeagueofLegends #LoLMontage #LoLMoments ▼Players featured in this League of Legends Montage: axiomarc Baestriansky plsallowcookies nomadgigi demand - KCImprudent whenthecrewmate Gatzurion Gaming - blackreaper osuMousy bonnie0310 royk cheesedavis - Armin Reiter -
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