Legio VI Ferrata - Epic Roman Music

Vocals & music by Farya Faraji, including aulos melodies by specialists of Ancient Greco-Roman music. Please note that this isn’t reconstructed historical music, but modern music which uses Ancient Roman instruments and aspects of their music theory. The VI Ferrata (ironclad) was a legion raised by Caesar in Cisalpine Gaul, and then became a mainstay in the later Imperial armies of Rome. It fought in many important battles such as Alesia and Actium, and was attested as far as the era of Diocletian. The instruments used are different aulos models, the pan flute, as well as drums and cymbals. The melody is based on the modal principles of Roman music, switching between the Diatonic Phrygian and Dorian modes, as well as using the Chromatic genus of their music. The Latin is pronounced using Classical pronunciation. Latin lyrics: Mors et Mars et mūrī sumus, Audīte inimīcī! Sanguīs mel et vīnum’st Audīte inim
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