Priest: Black Hat destroy the town HD CLIP

What’s happening in this Priest movie clip? Hundreds of vampires are unleashed at night upon the population. The vampires are led by Black Hat (Karl Urban from Doom). When the three Priests reject Black Hat’s offer to join him, he kills them all. The next morning, Priest (Paul Bettany from the Avengers), Priestess (Maggie Q) and Hicks (Cam Gigandet) arrive in Jericho and discover the town empty and the three dead Priests crucified. Rent or buy Priest here: What’s the movie Priest about? Following the age-old war between humans and vampires, the latter were defeated by the Priests caste and the survivors parked in reservations. In this ravaged world, cities have become Orwellian megalopolises ruled by the high authorities of the clergy and the Priests are left behind, now useless. The Church is omnipresent in Cathedral City, from the panels to the loudspeakers hammering out dogma. After the last conflict, a priest Paul Bettany from The Avengers and Wandavision)
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