Группа “Волшебник Изумрудного Города“ - 1984/85/86 (FULL ALBUM, USSR, New Wave/Electronic)

Рок-группа - “Волшебник изумрудного города“ Rok-gruppa - “Volshebnik izumrudnogo goroda“ Rock Group - “The Wizard of the Emerald City“ 1984/85/86 With probably one of the most lengthy names in the soviet amateur rock scene, VIG was founded by Dmitry Vershinin in 1984 in the heavily built-up high-rise area of Zelenograd in Moscow (which was the soviet union’s Silicone Valley), and had released their first tape in that same year. Their first album were a mix of covers of other soviet and western bands as well as songs written by the group themselves. Oddly though, unlike many other bands, VIG rarely performed live, preferring studio work. In 1985 they recorded their second album, entirely made up of songs made by the band themselves (this is regarded as the first proper record of theirs, as the last one was mainly just covers). Yuri Kuzmin on vocals and bass left right after the album and was replaced by Dmitry Cordier. Finally in 1986 they rele
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