King Olav Opens New Civic Centre (1968)

No title - King Olav V of Norway opens new Civic Centre and receives the Freedom of the City. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Tyne and Wear. L/S Newcastle. M/S street showing decorations. C/U notice on side of bus in Norwegian, “Welcome King Olav“. M/S Union Jack and Norwegian flag flying. M/S more flags and a kind of brazier burning on a pole. M/S King Olav’s car passing waving crowds in street. M/S crowd which consists mostly of children. C/U children waving. M/S of the new Civic Centre which King Olav will open. M/S top of Civic Centre, pan down to fountains. M/S showing model of birds in fountains. M/S showing statue of God of Tyne on wall. Ground to air shots of RAF Provosts performing flypast, pan to Guard of Honour. M/S as King Olav walks up to the Mayor Councillor Grey outside the door of the Civic Centre to receive key. C/U key lying on a cushion. M/S King Olav taking key from cushion and opening door, M/S as he walks in to new Civic Centre. M/S guests sitting in new Council Chambers. L/S of King Olav
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