Job for a Cowboy - Sun Eater **FULL ALBUM**

Sun Eater, the 4th full album release from Death Metal masters Job For A Cowboy, released on 11 November 2014. Tracklist: 1. Eating The Visions Of God 0:00 2. Sun Of Nihility 6:30 3. The Stone Cross 12:03 4. The Synthetic Sea 15:44 5. A Global Shift 20:33 6. The Celestial Antidote 24:32 7. Encircled By Mirrors 30:40 8. Buried Monuments 35:26 9. Worming Nightfall 40:22 !THIS VIDEO HAS BEEN UPLOADED FOR PROMOTIONAL PURPOSES ONLY! If you like this album PLEASE go and buy it and help the guys at JFAC out!
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