Everybody Loves Natsuki

I threw masking everywhere MUHAHAHAHAHA!!!! :D Once I started masking, I couldn’t really stop, thus the delay for my audition video for a studio. This is my first time using this style and I must say, it is very difficult for me :’( I am pretty sure I was just like, “Screw it!“, near the end where he is just singing. But that was also difficult to make it seem that he is actually singing those lyrics since he was always moving and the screen was panning in and out all the time. For the outline at the start, I just thought it was so awesome I just had to put it in! The only problem was that it was too much for my computer to handle, so I only put the outline at the start. Plus, it would be somewhat distracting if I added the outline to the end because there was already a lot of things happening at once, that if I added a moving outline, you would always have to replay since you couldn’t catch everything. Geez, about 2 weeks wor
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