Biden Says He Has No Plans Yet to Visit Southern Border Amid Migrant Surge

President Joe Biden said Tuesday he has no plans to travel to the border amid an influx of migrants seeking to enter the U.S. and congressional deadlock over his proposed immigration overhaul. Biden’s plan for a broad immigration overhaul, including a pathway to citizenship for 11 million undocumented immigrants in the U.S., doesn’t have enough support to pass Congress anytime soon, the Senate’s second-ranking Democrat said. “I don’t see any means of reaching that,” Illinois Senator Dick Durbin said of a comprehensive approach. House Democrats have already opted for a piecemeal approach and plan to vote this week on two narrower measures for agricultural workers and young immigrants brought to the U.S. illegally as children. Durbin, who chairs the Judiciary Committee that would consider those bills, said he wants to see if there is support to move them through the Senate. “I think Speaker Pelosi has discovered she doesn’t have the support for a comprehensive bill in the House,” Durbin said. “A
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