No title - Baby elephant presented to number 27 Squadron of Strike Command as mascot. Scampton Air Force Base, Lincolnshire.
M/S parade at Scampton Air Force Base. M/S RAF (Royal Air Force) regiment lined up in front of a bomber. C/U shoulder flash which shows Dumbo the elephant. C/U of another elephant on lapel. M/S baby elephant ’Gosta’, coming out of box. Rear view elephant walking towards Guard of Honour. M/S Guard of Honour. M/S as the baby elephant is led between ranks of men. Various shots baby elephant walking down the ranks. M/S crowd of little children watching.
C/U elephant walking towards officers. C/U baby elephant gripping man’s hand. Various shots as Wing Commander Philip Goodall puts caparison on elephant. C/U RAF crest on elephant coat. M/S of a pipe band. M/S elephant walking towards camera as it is paraded past RAF personnel. C/U pan elephant. C/U elephant walking towards camera and turning down past RAF personnel on parade. C/U man playing bagpipes. M/S of the band marching. M/S
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