The New Order: Custom Super Events Elections for the President of the RSFSR 1991

0:00 Disclaimer 0:03 Boris Yeltsin Liberal Conservatism/Славься родина Россия 0:45 Nikolay Ryzhkov Reformist Socialism/Komsomol love and spring 1:50 Vladimir Zhirinovsky Right Wing Populism/Partisans Blancs - Música Francesa dedicada ao Exército Branco 2:17 Aman Tuleev Left Wing Agrarianism-Agrarian Socialism/Марш Трактористов (Tractor Drivers March) 2:42 Vadim Bakatin Neocommunism/Song of the Chekists 3:12 Albert Makashov National Communism/marche slave
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